
30. 10. 2013

A hat / Klobúk

I love the hats. Very much. In different shapes and different colors. Ive got this hat from my aunt. She actually wanted to put it away but when I saw it I couldnt help myself. The hat ended up in my wardrobe! And I think I made good decision. Its in shades of wine and it really match my new plaid coat. What do you think? Do you like my hat? Do you wear the hats anyway? By the way I was honored to get in finale of one competition. Its called "Outfit battle". If you like my style and this outfit, I will be more than happy if you support me here. You just need to LIKE this page and press "HLASUJ" on my picture what means VOTE. THANK YOU!

Milujem klobúky. Veľmi. V rôznych tvaroch a rôznych farbách. Tento som dostala od mojej tety. Ona ho chcela vyhodiť, ale keď som ho uvidela, nemohla som si pomôcť. Skončil v mojej skrini! A myslím, že som urobila dobré rozhodnutie. Je vo vínovej farbe a skvele dopĺňa môj nový károvaný kabát. Čo si o tom myslíte? Páči sa vám môj klobúk? Nosíte klobúky vôbec? Mimochodom, som veľmi poctená, že som sa dostala do finále súťaže Súboj outfitov. Ak sa vám páči môj štýl a tento outfit, budem viac než šťastná, keď ma podporíte tu. Stačí dať LIKE na túto stránku a HLASUJ na mojej fotke. ĎAKUJEM!

28. 10. 2013

Panda and wellies / Panda a gumáky

I wanna be kid again sometimes. But of course I cannot. Whatever. I love this knit with panda on it. Its super cute and make me laugh. And how about you? Do you like clothes with childish motives or is it only me? Because I really dont mind to wear some Mickey mouse tops or even bears on my long and warm knit that have more than 15 years!!! I simply love it :) So what is your opinion about it? And second thing that I love are my new wellies from Novesta store. Im really happy with them because they are comfortable and they are made of real natural rubber and so they are kind of warmer inside than other wellies. And they also have great design! Do you like them? You can find them also here :

Niekedy by som bola rada opäť dieťaťom. Ale samozrejme nemôžem. Nevadí. Aj tak mám rada tento pulóver s pandou. Je veľmi zlatý a má v sebe niečo pozitívne. Ako je to s vami? Máte radi detské motívy alebo som to len ja? Lebo ja skutočne nemám problém dať si na seba Mickey mouse tričko alebo môj dlhý a super teplý sveter s macíkmi, ktorý má vyše 15 rokov!!! Jednoducho ho milujem:) A čo vy? Aký máte nato názor? A druhá vec, ktorú milujem sú moje nové gumáky od Novesty, ktoré nájdete aj tu : Milujem ich, pretože sú veľmi pohodlné a sú vyrobené z prírodného kaučuku, čo znamená, že sú vovnútri aj teplejšie v porovnaní s klasickými gumákmi. A navyše majú skvelý dizajn! Páčia sa vám? 

25. 10. 2013


Today, I would like to introduce you very creative Slovak fashion designer and publicist Miloslava Hriadelova who creates jewellery under the brand Me&Cocoon. When I have seen her creations first time I fallen in love. It included authentic souvenirs, photos and jewellery from antique bazars which she shapes to the form of modern jewel in the eclectic style. Miloslava Hriadelova had an opportunity to participate on Vienna Fashion Week 2013 together with Slovak fashion designer Izabela Komjati and hat maker Eleonora Gaškova. They all together worked on collection named Lovesnakes, which was inspired by africian art, Africa and people who live together with nature. Me&Cocoon was inspired by recycled metal artifacts from the Masai jewelry, while she was trying to complete dresses structure in line. That is why the basis were polished brass arches supplemented with beads, glass beads and natural stones. More on: Me&Cocoon

21. 10. 2013

Pink Ombre

We had a beautiful weekend for walk or some relax outside. My friends visited me, I cooked pasta with tuna, after that we went for some "serious" shopping - that means carpet and pillows haha and then we went to fantastic cafe. I will take some pics there when I get a chance. I promise. And the best thing is that they have delicious strawberry cheesecake there! I wore my favorite oversized monochrome coat that I actually bought for my sister but I had to to try it on myself right?:D How about you? Do you like cheesecake?

Minulý víkend bol naozaj krásny na prechádzku alebo relax vonku. Moje kamarátky ma prišli navštíviť, uvarila som cestoviny s tuniakom a potom sme sa vybrali na "seriózny" nákup - mám namysli nákup koberca a vankúšikov haha. A potom sme zamierili do skvelej kaviarne. Odfotím ju nabudúce, bohužial mi došli baterky. Sľubujem. Najlepšia vec na tejto kaviarni je jahodový cheesecake! Obliekla som si obľúbený oversized kabát v čierno bielej kombinácii, ktorý som mimochodom kúpila sestre, ale tak musela som ho najprv vyskúšať, no nie?:D A čo vy? Máte radi cheesecake?

20. 10. 2013

Pumpkin season

I didnt know what headline put for this current post and then one of my friend saw one of the following pictures and said: Hey, its great pic you just miss a pumpkin! So that why "Pumpkin season". Its really perfect time for taking the pictures because of the colors outside. And we were lucky about a weather. It was very sunny and windy ( perfect for my hair haha). What about you? Do you like taking the pics during Autumn?
And one more thing: this tartan blazer is one of the many clothes I bought in second hand shop for 40 CZK!!!!

Nevedela som ako nazvať tento príspevok a potom jedna z mojich kamarátiek videla fotky a komentovala to tým, že mi už chýba iba tekvica, takže preto "Tekvicový sezóna". Naozaj sme si vybrali skvelý čas na fotenie hlavne kvôli krásnym farbám vonku. Mali sme šťastie čo sa počasia týka. Bolo slnečno a veterno ( skvelá kombinácia pre moje vlasy haha). A čo vy? Radi fotíte počas jesene?
A ešte jedna vec: tento károvaný kabátik je jeden z mnohých veci, ktoré som si kúpila v sekáči za 40 KČ!!!

17. 10. 2013

2 days in Prague / 2 dni v Prahe

As I mentioned in my previous post I spent 2 beautiful days in Prague with my family and friends after my graduation act. We were really lucky because we had a great weather! It was sunny but kind of cold - I love weather like that. Fresh aiiiiir. At first we visited Charles bridge and admired wonderful view, took some nice pictures and went for a lunch. We chose U Fleku because its traditional czech restaurant where you get nice meal and a lots of beer or shots haha! And they also play traditional music there. We also went to see a square "Staromak" and Horologe of Prague. That day was more relaxing. Day after we decided to visit Castle of Prague. Very nice walk, views and af course architecture. We have seen Cathedral of Saint Vit from outside and inside too. This day we went for a lunch to very unusual restaurant that works as mediaeval restaurant. All waitresses wear clothes from that age. Interior is also very typical for Middle Ages. And the best thing is speech of staff. They actually really talk to you in way you feel like in Middle Ages. I really recommend this restaurant, its worth it! Then we went to shopping centre as usual :)

13. 10. 2013

Special outfit / Špeciálny outfit

That day finally came. After all these years spending with books came my graduation day. It was really nice atmosphere with many happy students and proud parents or other family members and friends. As I studied my last 2 years in Prague, my graduation act was also there in town-council. The hall was huge and beautiful. I was late as always :) But my surname begins with "S" so I still had some time. After I got my diploma and lovely greetings I went to the nice restaurant Hajnovka with my family and friends where we celebrated. I really recommend this restaurant. The meals were very tasty and they offer homemade ice cream!!! Yummie :) Day after we spent a wonderful sunny day in Prague (in my next post). Im very thankful for all family and friends support and I have to say Im proud of myself ! How about you? Do you study or did you already have your graduation act? How was it for you?

Deň "D" konečne nastal. Po všetkých tých rokoch strávených nad knihami prišli promócie. Bola to naozaj skvelá atmosféra so šťastnými študentami a hrdými rodičmi či ostatnými členmi rodiny a priateľmi. Keďže som študovala posledné dva roky v Prahe, aj moje promócie sa uskutočnili práve v magistráte tohto hlavného mesta. Sála bola obrovská a nádherná. Ako vždy, meškala som :) Ale keďže moje priezvisko začína "S"-kom, mala som ešte chvíľku času. Potom ako som dostala diplom a vypočula si príjemné gratulácie, vybrali sme sa s rodinou do reštaurácie Hajnovka trochu to osláviť. Veľmi odporúčam túto reštauráciu. Jedlá boli chutné a dokonca ponúkajú aj domácu zmrzlinu!!! Mňam :) Na druhý deň sme si užili krásny slnečný deň v Prahe (o tom v nasledujúcom poste). Som veľmi vďačná za podporu rodiny i priateľov a musím povedať, že som na seba hrdá! Študujete alebo už máte promócie za sebou? Aké to bolo pre vás?

On the way...Na ceste...

Big day / Veľký deň

The greetings from my mum / Blahoželania od mamky

All together in Hajnovka restaurant / Všetci spolu v reštaurácii Hajnovka

9. 10. 2013

Canvas / Kanvas

My apartment is looking more as an apartment after I bought sofa, kitchen table and the chairs. Im really happy of it. But there are still few things I miss. I was wondering that Ill hang some nice canvas on my walls. I already have 2 of Marilyn Monroe canvas. One is painted in colors in living room and one is black and white in small size in my room. As my sofa is kind of retro as well as the chairs in there I was thinking about another retro canvas. Some good blues or jazz players, landscape or something interesting of vintage. What do you think? What do you have on your walls? Im adding 3 kinds of canvas that I really like.

Môj prenajatý byt sa konečne podobá na byt, potom ako som si kúpila sedačku, kuchynský stôl a stoličky. Veľmi sa z toho teším. Ale vždy tam chýba pár detailov. Premýšľala som nad nejakými peknými obrazmi. Už vlastním 2, na ktorých je Marilyn Monroe. Jeden je farebný a visí v obývačke a ten druhý je v čierno bielom prevedení a v menšej veľkosti v spálni. Keďže je moja sedačka ako aj stoličky dosť retro, myslela som, žeby bolo fajn zaobstarať si aj retro obraz. Nejakých dobrých bluesových či jazzových muzikantov, krajinku alebo niečo vintage. Čo si o tom myslíte? Čo visí na vašich stenách? Pripájam 3 obrazy, ktoré ma zaujali.

1. I really like picture of Prague from "vyvarose": more on / Veľmi sa mi páči obraz Prahy od "vyvarose": viac na

2. Actor Steve McQueen and Wife Taking Sulfur Bath at Home:

3.Model in John Cavanagh's Strapless Evening Gown, Spring 1957:

4. 10. 2013

Stockholm / Štokholm

Water, the ships, cold weather, the bikes, ,, old school", nice people and clean streets....I could describe my first feelings of Stockholm like that. It is unbelievable how that city caught my eye. It is probably because of fresh air and city's beauty. Swedish people like everything in order I guess. We could also talk about their cultural monuments. Some of them are even on UNESCO list. You can see very different cultural monuments. On one part of isle you feel like in Peking but on the other side you will get into the park full of fantasy that is part of Museum of Modern Art. In the centre you can visit ice pub where they offer you many kind of vodka Absolut and they will wear you in warm coveralls with fur hood just to make sure you are not freezing down there as there is -5 degrees. They mix your drinks directly into the glasses made ​​of ice. Me and my friends, we really admired it.

 Voda, lode, chladné počasie, bicykle, ,,oldschoolovosť", milí a ústretoví ľudia a čistota....takými slovami by som charakterizovala svoje prvé pocity v hlavnom meste jednej z troch škandinávskych krajín- v Štokholme. Je až neuveriteľné ako ma toto mesto uchvátilo. Možno práve z dôvodu, že keď som sa nadýchla, cítila som čistotu a krásu mesta. Švédi si teda na poriadok naozaj potrpia. O kultúre nehovoriac. Nielenže je niekoľko z nich zapísaných na listine UNESCO, ale pamätihodnosti sú tak rôznorodé...Na jednej strane ostrovčeka sa cítite ako v Pekingu, a na jeho druhej strane sa ocitnete v parku plnom fantázie, čo spôsobuje múzeum moderného umenia. V centre mesta môžete navštíviť bar, v ktorom vám ponúknu niekoľko druhov vodky Absolut a pritom vás navlečú do overalov s kožušinovou kapucňou, aby ste náhodou v teplote -5 nepomrzli. Drink vám namiešajú priamo do pohárov vyrobených z ľadu. So svojimi priateľmi sme sa ozaj kochali.