
21. 10. 2013

Pink Ombre

We had a beautiful weekend for walk or some relax outside. My friends visited me, I cooked pasta with tuna, after that we went for some "serious" shopping - that means carpet and pillows haha and then we went to fantastic cafe. I will take some pics there when I get a chance. I promise. And the best thing is that they have delicious strawberry cheesecake there! I wore my favorite oversized monochrome coat that I actually bought for my sister but I had to to try it on myself right?:D How about you? Do you like cheesecake?

Minulý víkend bol naozaj krásny na prechádzku alebo relax vonku. Moje kamarátky ma prišli navštíviť, uvarila som cestoviny s tuniakom a potom sme sa vybrali na "seriózny" nákup - mám namysli nákup koberca a vankúšikov haha. A potom sme zamierili do skvelej kaviarne. Odfotím ju nabudúce, bohužial mi došli baterky. Sľubujem. Najlepšia vec na tejto kaviarni je jahodový cheesecake! Obliekla som si obľúbený oversized kabát v čierno bielej kombinácii, ktorý som mimochodom kúpila sestre, ale tak musela som ho najprv vyskúšať, no nie?:D A čo vy? Máte radi cheesecake?

Coat-second hand, ombre knit-Crop town, jeans-unknown, boots-Italy, sunglasses-St.Oliver

10 komentárov:

  1. Great outfit, I'm in love with the ombre jumper and coat!
    Oh and I'm following you back :)

  2. gorgeous top dear !!i love this outfit!

  3. Such a nice oversized blazer, it fits you perfectly! :)

    Tara x

  4. Nice look lovely!

    I would definitely wear this entire look :D I also really like the blazer :D

    Just got 2 new posts up and can’t wait to see your opinion!

    Have a great weekend!

    Kisses :)

    Snacks on to go!

    Bento’s and lunch boxes


Thank you for all your comments, I really appreciate them! / Ďakujem Vám za všetky komentáre, veľmi si ich vážim!