
19. 11. 2013

International LEATHER BAGS Giveaway!

Dear followers, Im very happy that you read my blog and leave me your lovely comments. I would like to say: THANK YOU and thats why I prepared amazing international giveaway for all my followers of crossbody bags. You have 4 choices. There are 2 GROSSO bags made of eco leather and 2 Italian leather bags. There are only few steps that you have todo:

1. Be my follower via GFC
2. Like FB page of Fashion planet e-shop here:
3. Leave me a comment with bag that you would like to get, your email adress, GFC name and FB name

Milí moji čitatelia, veľmi sa teším, že sa vám tento blog páči, čítate ho a nechávate mi milé komentáre. Rada by som sa vám týmto poďakovala a preto som si pre vás pripravila medzinárodnú giveaway, v ktorej máte možnosť získať cross body kabelku. Budete mať na výber dokonca 4. Sú tam 2 kabelky značky GROSSO vyrobené z eko kože alebo 2 talianské kožené kabelky. Vašou úlohou je iba:

1. Sledovať moj blog cez GFC
2. Dať LIKE na FB stránke e-shopu Planéta módy tu:
3. Nechať mi komentár s výberom kabelky v prípade výhry a samozrejme váš kontaktný email, GFC meno a FB meno

17. 11. 2013

Shopping day with friend / Nakupovací deň s kamoškou

Today I was shopping with my friend. We picked great black leather ankle boots for as well as leather pencil skirt. Im happy for her! :) I didnt buy anything for myself but I did research! But I really need black boots too! And I have to introduce you my new leather bag which I totally love. Its big enough, I like the color shade and quality! What do you think about it? Btw. that coat I wear is from second hand and it cost 1.5 euros!!!!!!

Dnes som bola nakupovať s kamarátkou. Vybrali sme pre ňu veľmi pekné čierne kotníkové čižmy a koženú sukňu. Teším sa s ňou! :) Ja som si nekúpila nič, ale urobila som si prieskum! Už však naozaj potrebujem nejaké čierne čižmy! A rada by som vám predstavila moju novú koženú kabelku, ktorú zbožňujem. Je dostatočne veľká, páči sa mi farba a hlavne kvalita! Čo si o nej myslíte? A mimochodom, kabát, ktorý mám na sebe je zo sekáča a stál 1,5 eura!!!!

16. 11. 2013

Switzerland part 3 / Švajčiarsko časť 3

The third place I would like to introduce you is Montreux. This place is on southwest of Switzerland and is surrounded by Geneva lake. I really liked the fact, that the town is at the foot of Alps. Montreux is very famous because of its Jazz festival. You can also find a statue of Freddy Mercury there. We had a chance to visit also Château de Chillon that is a castle that was visited by George Gordon Byron in past. What surprised me was a guide that was also in Czech language. As we had some time we also visited Nyon - small town which is located 25 km from Geneva's city centre. It also lies on the shores of Lake Geneva and it became a part of the Geneva metropolitan area. 

Tretím miestom, ktoré by som vám rada predstavila je Montreux. Toto miesto leží na juhozápade Švajčiarska a je obklopené Ženevským jazerom. Veľmi sa mi páčil fakt, že je na úpätí Álp.  Montreux je známe jazzovým festivalom. Taktiež tam môžete nájsť pamätník Freddyho Mercuryho. Som veľmi rada, že sme mali šancu pozrieť si známy zámok Chillon, ktorý v minulosti navštívil aj George Gordon Byron. Čo ma veľmi prekvapilo, bol sprievodca v českom jazyku. Keďže sme mali ešte trošku času, zašli sme aj do malého mestečka Nyon, ktoré leží asi 25km od centra Ženevy. Nyon sa tiež nachádza na pobreží Ženevského jazera a už v minulosti sa stal súčasťou metropolitnej oblasti mesta Ženeva.


10. 11. 2013

Make-up Martina Gálová

This time I would like to introduce you one of my friend and talented make-up artist at once called Maťka. Martina is 21 years old high school graduated girl who started to be interested in a make-up art 2 years ago when she visited her first class of make up art. At first she was afraid to use all of that make-up but after a while she learned a lot about the technics and became a professional with beauty salon and lots of experience with photographers. She told me that her biggest joy comes with smile on her customers faces when they leave her salon. She is also happy to give you advices or any other information when you visit her or you can write her an email. Martina is also a long term member of Oriflame - a company that works with Natural Swedish Cosmetics. Thats why she uses this kind of cosmetics or Make-up studio that is professional cosmetics for make-up artists. Martina does many kinds of make-up: every day or wedding make-up, glamour, extravagant, avant-garde, photo make-up or make-up for fashion shows. You can find her work here: Make-up Martina Galova. You can contact her one email:

6. 11. 2013

Switzerland part 2 / Švajčiarsko časť 2

The second part of Switzerland will show you two wonderful places: Geneva and Lausanne. We came to Geneva in early morning and we stopped right away next to Geneva lake. It was wonderful feeling. Fresh air, water, the ships and the birds. Simply imagine a quiet time with cup of hot tea in your hands. That was the feeling about. The city was also nice but it was not what I expected. Too many luxurious shops and the buildings made me feel that I missed something. However you could also visit some churches there or museums. Next stop by was in Lausanne. It was one of the nicest towns in Switzerland for me. Not too big, but not too small. I love towns on the water. And this is one of them. I simply felt very good there. You could walk everywhere but you could also use the underground transport. I can imagine to wake up everyday morning in Lausanne, take away coffee and have a walk next to the lake Geneva...beautiful imagination:). Did you find your place?

5. 11. 2013


Today I would like to introduce you very creative woman who bakes the cakes. When I first time saw her cakes I could not believe that she is only 24 (at that time), she has a job and she is also full time mum !!!! My question was, where did she get that time for baking? WOW :) Her first marzipan cake was for her daughters birthday. She simply wanted to surprised her with something special. As she found out that there is a possibility to model the marzipan, she created a personal cake. After that experience she decided to try it again and again and after few more experiments she became more professional. She learned all about it. What products are the best and etc. The motifs of cakes came from people who ordered them. Their hobby or the things they love. She was also inspired by online website pictures, cartoons or other creations. But there was a time when she got order that she never did before and she didnt find on the internet. It was a plate full of "pirohy"-traditional slovak meal. But she  didnt get scared! She actually made it! Whole process of making a cake is very long, not only baking but also creating a base, wrapping it etc. I should also remind you that raw materials have expired date and they are influenced by the weather. Thats why is very necessary to know how to work with it. And her cakes are not only beautiful and creative but also delicious. She can make you cakes as you wish or she will give you advice. I tried them few times personally  :)And after hard work comes a reward. The best one is when she sees children smiles and happiness!
You can see more here: MelBel

2. 11. 2013

Switzerland part 1 / Švajčiarsko časť 1

This is a country where I spent one of the best time in my life! I worked there as an au pair but I also met wonderful people, my best friend and I saw so many nice places. It was not only about the work and break from University but also traveling, tasting wine and cheese and of course practicing my German. I have a wonderful memories of it. Bellow you will see pictures of great time in Basel and around, exploring main city Bern and visiting Emmentaler cheese factory! You can see that my trip partner was my leopard print scarf that is my favorite :) Do you also have some favorite piece? Enjoy!!!!

Toto je krajina, kde som strávila jedny z najkrajších chvíľ v mojom živote! Pracovala som tam ako au pair, ale zároveň som spoznala skvelých ľudí, moju najlepšiu kamarátku a k tomu všetkému som videla mnoho nádherných miest. Nebolo to len o práci a pauze od školy, ale tiež o cestovaní, ochutnávaní vína a syrov a samozrejme o zlepšení mojej nemčiny. Mám nato krásne spomienky. Nižšie nájdete fotky, ktoré zobrazujú pekne strávený čas v meste Basel a okolí, návštevu hlavného mesta Bernu a továrne na syr Ementál. Môžete si všimnúť, že mojím spoločníkom na výlete bol môj šál s leoparďou potlačou, je mojím obľúbeným :) Máte aj vy obľúbený kúsok?  Užite si to!!!

                      Cesta do Zoo / On way to Zoo                                  Na ruskom kole / On Ferris Wheel