In 4th and the last part of my Switzerland trip Ill show you few pictures of Swiss mountains as there was not really great weather we had to stay down. The last place where we went was region called Ticino. Its kind of funny story. We thought that we are going to visit small town called Ticino (our friends description). We were looking for it few hours and we still couldnt find it. We drove around and around the mountains the end we got on the high spot where was a market. The lady, I remember her, so lovely, tried to explain us that there is no Ticino town its the whole region! She didnt speak English at all so she used maps, hands everything just to try to explain. As there was no way go further we entitled that spot as the "End of the world". But really dont miss the pictures from our way to get there...amazing spots! Up there I felt like in history ages...most of the houses we made of stones. In of them we found a man who sold the cheese and wine. As I love wine I bought one and I have to recommend it! And there is one more thing that I have to recommend-fondue with steaks, so yummie! Enjoy!
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23. 2. 2014
10. 2. 2014
Black swans
A month ago we celebrated a family. You probably ask, what do you mean by celebrating a family? The thing is that my family is super big and so its difficult to meet. Once my brother came up with idea to meet during a Christmas time we prepared and simply met. And what was very nice, some female members of family decided for LBD included myself, that is classy and must have piece. Thats why I called us " Black swans". I wore black lace that is always good choice. Do you like LBD?
Asi pred mesiacom sme oslavovali "rodinu". Asi sa pýtate, čo tým myslím, že sme oslavovali rodinu? Ide o to, že je nás naozaj veľa a stretnúť sa pokope je problém. Keď sa môj brat rozhodol, že by bolo fajn stretnúť sa počas Vianoc, patrične sme sa nato pripravili a jednoducho sa zišli. A čo bolo celkom príjemné, pár dám/slečien vrátane mňa si ako svoj outfit vybralo "malé čierne", ktoré sú podľa mňa prvotriedny kúsok, ktorý by v šatníku chýbať nemal. Preto som nás nazvala "Čierne labute". Ja osobne som siahla po čiernej čipke, ktorej nikdy nie je dosť:) Máte rady "malé čierne"?
Dress and bag-Orsay, Heels-Primark, Tights-Bepon, Necklace and Earrings-a present
8. 2. 2014
Choice of February / Februárový výber
There are many sales these days and I also found some good one. I would like to show you few pieces of cardigans and other knits that I think could be great choice for this season as the winter just started and I picked also some dresses great for next season too. Im a bit inspired by 14th February:) What did you find in sales?
V kamenných či online obchodoch nájdete tieto dni mnoho zliav. Rada by som vám ukázala pár kúskov vrámci svetrov a pulóvrov, o ktorých si myslím, že by to bola dobrá voľba, keďže zima ešte len začala. Ale zároveň tam nájdete i šaty na nasledujúcu sezónu. Trošku som sa inšpirovala inšpirovať 14-tym februárom:) Čo zaujímavé ste v zľavách našli vy?
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