There are many sales these days and I also found some good one. I would like to show you few pieces of cardigans and other knits that I think could be great choice for this season as the winter just started and I picked also some dresses great for next season too. Im a bit inspired by 14th February:) What did you find in sales?
V kamenných či online obchodoch nájdete tieto dni mnoho zliav. Rada by som vám ukázala pár kúskov vrámci svetrov a pulóvrov, o ktorých si myslím, že by to bola dobrá voľba, keďže zima ešte len začala. Ale zároveň tam nájdete i šaty na nasledujúcu sezónu. Trošku som sa inšpirovala inšpirovať 14-tym februárom:) Čo zaujímavé ste v zľavách našli vy?
New look ASOS
River Island ASOS
River Island Vila
Only Vero moda
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Ooo I really like all of these, especially the ASOS dress, great post, would you like to follow each other? If you do, follow me and leave a comment so I can follow right back :) x