
31. 12. 2013

Christmas Eve / Vianoce

Christmas is about calmness, happiness, family and stories. And Im happy that my Christmas was all about it. I celebrated it together with my parents, my brothers family and sisters family. You can imagine three children playing around the Christmas tree, unwrapping the presents and stealing some cookies. The good atmosphere is important. Im so thankful I had one. And I have to say that I had to be good girl whole year also because I also found something really nice under the Christmas tree. There was a book that made me really happy. It was on my wish list- the book called IT by Alexa Chung. There was one red beret also that I wished. And I have to mention new straightener as mine is broken. It really made my day:) Every adult is kid sometimes, right? What about you? Were you good all the year?

10. 12. 2013

Christmas wishlist

 Christmas is nearly here and as everyone I have some wishes. What about you? What wishes do you have?
Vianoce sú za oknom a ako každý z vás, i ja mám nejaké želania. Ako je to s vami? Čo si želáte vy?

 1. Mocca coffee maker / Mocca kávovar

19. 11. 2013

International LEATHER BAGS Giveaway!

Dear followers, Im very happy that you read my blog and leave me your lovely comments. I would like to say: THANK YOU and thats why I prepared amazing international giveaway for all my followers of crossbody bags. You have 4 choices. There are 2 GROSSO bags made of eco leather and 2 Italian leather bags. There are only few steps that you have todo:

1. Be my follower via GFC
2. Like FB page of Fashion planet e-shop here:
3. Leave me a comment with bag that you would like to get, your email adress, GFC name and FB name

Milí moji čitatelia, veľmi sa teším, že sa vám tento blog páči, čítate ho a nechávate mi milé komentáre. Rada by som sa vám týmto poďakovala a preto som si pre vás pripravila medzinárodnú giveaway, v ktorej máte možnosť získať cross body kabelku. Budete mať na výber dokonca 4. Sú tam 2 kabelky značky GROSSO vyrobené z eko kože alebo 2 talianské kožené kabelky. Vašou úlohou je iba:

1. Sledovať moj blog cez GFC
2. Dať LIKE na FB stránke e-shopu Planéta módy tu:
3. Nechať mi komentár s výberom kabelky v prípade výhry a samozrejme váš kontaktný email, GFC meno a FB meno

17. 11. 2013

Shopping day with friend / Nakupovací deň s kamoškou

Today I was shopping with my friend. We picked great black leather ankle boots for as well as leather pencil skirt. Im happy for her! :) I didnt buy anything for myself but I did research! But I really need black boots too! And I have to introduce you my new leather bag which I totally love. Its big enough, I like the color shade and quality! What do you think about it? Btw. that coat I wear is from second hand and it cost 1.5 euros!!!!!!

Dnes som bola nakupovať s kamarátkou. Vybrali sme pre ňu veľmi pekné čierne kotníkové čižmy a koženú sukňu. Teším sa s ňou! :) Ja som si nekúpila nič, ale urobila som si prieskum! Už však naozaj potrebujem nejaké čierne čižmy! A rada by som vám predstavila moju novú koženú kabelku, ktorú zbožňujem. Je dostatočne veľká, páči sa mi farba a hlavne kvalita! Čo si o nej myslíte? A mimochodom, kabát, ktorý mám na sebe je zo sekáča a stál 1,5 eura!!!!

16. 11. 2013

Switzerland part 3 / Švajčiarsko časť 3

The third place I would like to introduce you is Montreux. This place is on southwest of Switzerland and is surrounded by Geneva lake. I really liked the fact, that the town is at the foot of Alps. Montreux is very famous because of its Jazz festival. You can also find a statue of Freddy Mercury there. We had a chance to visit also Château de Chillon that is a castle that was visited by George Gordon Byron in past. What surprised me was a guide that was also in Czech language. As we had some time we also visited Nyon - small town which is located 25 km from Geneva's city centre. It also lies on the shores of Lake Geneva and it became a part of the Geneva metropolitan area. 

Tretím miestom, ktoré by som vám rada predstavila je Montreux. Toto miesto leží na juhozápade Švajčiarska a je obklopené Ženevským jazerom. Veľmi sa mi páčil fakt, že je na úpätí Álp.  Montreux je známe jazzovým festivalom. Taktiež tam môžete nájsť pamätník Freddyho Mercuryho. Som veľmi rada, že sme mali šancu pozrieť si známy zámok Chillon, ktorý v minulosti navštívil aj George Gordon Byron. Čo ma veľmi prekvapilo, bol sprievodca v českom jazyku. Keďže sme mali ešte trošku času, zašli sme aj do malého mestečka Nyon, ktoré leží asi 25km od centra Ženevy. Nyon sa tiež nachádza na pobreží Ženevského jazera a už v minulosti sa stal súčasťou metropolitnej oblasti mesta Ženeva.


10. 11. 2013

Make-up Martina Gálová

This time I would like to introduce you one of my friend and talented make-up artist at once called Maťka. Martina is 21 years old high school graduated girl who started to be interested in a make-up art 2 years ago when she visited her first class of make up art. At first she was afraid to use all of that make-up but after a while she learned a lot about the technics and became a professional with beauty salon and lots of experience with photographers. She told me that her biggest joy comes with smile on her customers faces when they leave her salon. She is also happy to give you advices or any other information when you visit her or you can write her an email. Martina is also a long term member of Oriflame - a company that works with Natural Swedish Cosmetics. Thats why she uses this kind of cosmetics or Make-up studio that is professional cosmetics for make-up artists. Martina does many kinds of make-up: every day or wedding make-up, glamour, extravagant, avant-garde, photo make-up or make-up for fashion shows. You can find her work here: Make-up Martina Galova. You can contact her one email:

6. 11. 2013

Switzerland part 2 / Švajčiarsko časť 2

The second part of Switzerland will show you two wonderful places: Geneva and Lausanne. We came to Geneva in early morning and we stopped right away next to Geneva lake. It was wonderful feeling. Fresh air, water, the ships and the birds. Simply imagine a quiet time with cup of hot tea in your hands. That was the feeling about. The city was also nice but it was not what I expected. Too many luxurious shops and the buildings made me feel that I missed something. However you could also visit some churches there or museums. Next stop by was in Lausanne. It was one of the nicest towns in Switzerland for me. Not too big, but not too small. I love towns on the water. And this is one of them. I simply felt very good there. You could walk everywhere but you could also use the underground transport. I can imagine to wake up everyday morning in Lausanne, take away coffee and have a walk next to the lake Geneva...beautiful imagination:). Did you find your place?

5. 11. 2013


Today I would like to introduce you very creative woman who bakes the cakes. When I first time saw her cakes I could not believe that she is only 24 (at that time), she has a job and she is also full time mum !!!! My question was, where did she get that time for baking? WOW :) Her first marzipan cake was for her daughters birthday. She simply wanted to surprised her with something special. As she found out that there is a possibility to model the marzipan, she created a personal cake. After that experience she decided to try it again and again and after few more experiments she became more professional. She learned all about it. What products are the best and etc. The motifs of cakes came from people who ordered them. Their hobby or the things they love. She was also inspired by online website pictures, cartoons or other creations. But there was a time when she got order that she never did before and she didnt find on the internet. It was a plate full of "pirohy"-traditional slovak meal. But she  didnt get scared! She actually made it! Whole process of making a cake is very long, not only baking but also creating a base, wrapping it etc. I should also remind you that raw materials have expired date and they are influenced by the weather. Thats why is very necessary to know how to work with it. And her cakes are not only beautiful and creative but also delicious. She can make you cakes as you wish or she will give you advice. I tried them few times personally  :)And after hard work comes a reward. The best one is when she sees children smiles and happiness!
You can see more here: MelBel

2. 11. 2013

Switzerland part 1 / Švajčiarsko časť 1

This is a country where I spent one of the best time in my life! I worked there as an au pair but I also met wonderful people, my best friend and I saw so many nice places. It was not only about the work and break from University but also traveling, tasting wine and cheese and of course practicing my German. I have a wonderful memories of it. Bellow you will see pictures of great time in Basel and around, exploring main city Bern and visiting Emmentaler cheese factory! You can see that my trip partner was my leopard print scarf that is my favorite :) Do you also have some favorite piece? Enjoy!!!!

Toto je krajina, kde som strávila jedny z najkrajších chvíľ v mojom živote! Pracovala som tam ako au pair, ale zároveň som spoznala skvelých ľudí, moju najlepšiu kamarátku a k tomu všetkému som videla mnoho nádherných miest. Nebolo to len o práci a pauze od školy, ale tiež o cestovaní, ochutnávaní vína a syrov a samozrejme o zlepšení mojej nemčiny. Mám nato krásne spomienky. Nižšie nájdete fotky, ktoré zobrazujú pekne strávený čas v meste Basel a okolí, návštevu hlavného mesta Bernu a továrne na syr Ementál. Môžete si všimnúť, že mojím spoločníkom na výlete bol môj šál s leoparďou potlačou, je mojím obľúbeným :) Máte aj vy obľúbený kúsok?  Užite si to!!!

                      Cesta do Zoo / On way to Zoo                                  Na ruskom kole / On Ferris Wheel

30. 10. 2013

A hat / Klobúk

I love the hats. Very much. In different shapes and different colors. Ive got this hat from my aunt. She actually wanted to put it away but when I saw it I couldnt help myself. The hat ended up in my wardrobe! And I think I made good decision. Its in shades of wine and it really match my new plaid coat. What do you think? Do you like my hat? Do you wear the hats anyway? By the way I was honored to get in finale of one competition. Its called "Outfit battle". If you like my style and this outfit, I will be more than happy if you support me here. You just need to LIKE this page and press "HLASUJ" on my picture what means VOTE. THANK YOU!

Milujem klobúky. Veľmi. V rôznych tvaroch a rôznych farbách. Tento som dostala od mojej tety. Ona ho chcela vyhodiť, ale keď som ho uvidela, nemohla som si pomôcť. Skončil v mojej skrini! A myslím, že som urobila dobré rozhodnutie. Je vo vínovej farbe a skvele dopĺňa môj nový károvaný kabát. Čo si o tom myslíte? Páči sa vám môj klobúk? Nosíte klobúky vôbec? Mimochodom, som veľmi poctená, že som sa dostala do finále súťaže Súboj outfitov. Ak sa vám páči môj štýl a tento outfit, budem viac než šťastná, keď ma podporíte tu. Stačí dať LIKE na túto stránku a HLASUJ na mojej fotke. ĎAKUJEM!

28. 10. 2013

Panda and wellies / Panda a gumáky

I wanna be kid again sometimes. But of course I cannot. Whatever. I love this knit with panda on it. Its super cute and make me laugh. And how about you? Do you like clothes with childish motives or is it only me? Because I really dont mind to wear some Mickey mouse tops or even bears on my long and warm knit that have more than 15 years!!! I simply love it :) So what is your opinion about it? And second thing that I love are my new wellies from Novesta store. Im really happy with them because they are comfortable and they are made of real natural rubber and so they are kind of warmer inside than other wellies. And they also have great design! Do you like them? You can find them also here :

Niekedy by som bola rada opäť dieťaťom. Ale samozrejme nemôžem. Nevadí. Aj tak mám rada tento pulóver s pandou. Je veľmi zlatý a má v sebe niečo pozitívne. Ako je to s vami? Máte radi detské motívy alebo som to len ja? Lebo ja skutočne nemám problém dať si na seba Mickey mouse tričko alebo môj dlhý a super teplý sveter s macíkmi, ktorý má vyše 15 rokov!!! Jednoducho ho milujem:) A čo vy? Aký máte nato názor? A druhá vec, ktorú milujem sú moje nové gumáky od Novesty, ktoré nájdete aj tu : Milujem ich, pretože sú veľmi pohodlné a sú vyrobené z prírodného kaučuku, čo znamená, že sú vovnútri aj teplejšie v porovnaní s klasickými gumákmi. A navyše majú skvelý dizajn! Páčia sa vám? 

25. 10. 2013


Today, I would like to introduce you very creative Slovak fashion designer and publicist Miloslava Hriadelova who creates jewellery under the brand Me&Cocoon. When I have seen her creations first time I fallen in love. It included authentic souvenirs, photos and jewellery from antique bazars which she shapes to the form of modern jewel in the eclectic style. Miloslava Hriadelova had an opportunity to participate on Vienna Fashion Week 2013 together with Slovak fashion designer Izabela Komjati and hat maker Eleonora Gaškova. They all together worked on collection named Lovesnakes, which was inspired by africian art, Africa and people who live together with nature. Me&Cocoon was inspired by recycled metal artifacts from the Masai jewelry, while she was trying to complete dresses structure in line. That is why the basis were polished brass arches supplemented with beads, glass beads and natural stones. More on: Me&Cocoon

21. 10. 2013

Pink Ombre

We had a beautiful weekend for walk or some relax outside. My friends visited me, I cooked pasta with tuna, after that we went for some "serious" shopping - that means carpet and pillows haha and then we went to fantastic cafe. I will take some pics there when I get a chance. I promise. And the best thing is that they have delicious strawberry cheesecake there! I wore my favorite oversized monochrome coat that I actually bought for my sister but I had to to try it on myself right?:D How about you? Do you like cheesecake?

Minulý víkend bol naozaj krásny na prechádzku alebo relax vonku. Moje kamarátky ma prišli navštíviť, uvarila som cestoviny s tuniakom a potom sme sa vybrali na "seriózny" nákup - mám namysli nákup koberca a vankúšikov haha. A potom sme zamierili do skvelej kaviarne. Odfotím ju nabudúce, bohužial mi došli baterky. Sľubujem. Najlepšia vec na tejto kaviarni je jahodový cheesecake! Obliekla som si obľúbený oversized kabát v čierno bielej kombinácii, ktorý som mimochodom kúpila sestre, ale tak musela som ho najprv vyskúšať, no nie?:D A čo vy? Máte radi cheesecake?

20. 10. 2013

Pumpkin season

I didnt know what headline put for this current post and then one of my friend saw one of the following pictures and said: Hey, its great pic you just miss a pumpkin! So that why "Pumpkin season". Its really perfect time for taking the pictures because of the colors outside. And we were lucky about a weather. It was very sunny and windy ( perfect for my hair haha). What about you? Do you like taking the pics during Autumn?
And one more thing: this tartan blazer is one of the many clothes I bought in second hand shop for 40 CZK!!!!

Nevedela som ako nazvať tento príspevok a potom jedna z mojich kamarátiek videla fotky a komentovala to tým, že mi už chýba iba tekvica, takže preto "Tekvicový sezóna". Naozaj sme si vybrali skvelý čas na fotenie hlavne kvôli krásnym farbám vonku. Mali sme šťastie čo sa počasia týka. Bolo slnečno a veterno ( skvelá kombinácia pre moje vlasy haha). A čo vy? Radi fotíte počas jesene?
A ešte jedna vec: tento károvaný kabátik je jeden z mnohých veci, ktoré som si kúpila v sekáči za 40 KČ!!!

17. 10. 2013

2 days in Prague / 2 dni v Prahe

As I mentioned in my previous post I spent 2 beautiful days in Prague with my family and friends after my graduation act. We were really lucky because we had a great weather! It was sunny but kind of cold - I love weather like that. Fresh aiiiiir. At first we visited Charles bridge and admired wonderful view, took some nice pictures and went for a lunch. We chose U Fleku because its traditional czech restaurant where you get nice meal and a lots of beer or shots haha! And they also play traditional music there. We also went to see a square "Staromak" and Horologe of Prague. That day was more relaxing. Day after we decided to visit Castle of Prague. Very nice walk, views and af course architecture. We have seen Cathedral of Saint Vit from outside and inside too. This day we went for a lunch to very unusual restaurant that works as mediaeval restaurant. All waitresses wear clothes from that age. Interior is also very typical for Middle Ages. And the best thing is speech of staff. They actually really talk to you in way you feel like in Middle Ages. I really recommend this restaurant, its worth it! Then we went to shopping centre as usual :)

13. 10. 2013

Special outfit / Špeciálny outfit

That day finally came. After all these years spending with books came my graduation day. It was really nice atmosphere with many happy students and proud parents or other family members and friends. As I studied my last 2 years in Prague, my graduation act was also there in town-council. The hall was huge and beautiful. I was late as always :) But my surname begins with "S" so I still had some time. After I got my diploma and lovely greetings I went to the nice restaurant Hajnovka with my family and friends where we celebrated. I really recommend this restaurant. The meals were very tasty and they offer homemade ice cream!!! Yummie :) Day after we spent a wonderful sunny day in Prague (in my next post). Im very thankful for all family and friends support and I have to say Im proud of myself ! How about you? Do you study or did you already have your graduation act? How was it for you?

Deň "D" konečne nastal. Po všetkých tých rokoch strávených nad knihami prišli promócie. Bola to naozaj skvelá atmosféra so šťastnými študentami a hrdými rodičmi či ostatnými členmi rodiny a priateľmi. Keďže som študovala posledné dva roky v Prahe, aj moje promócie sa uskutočnili práve v magistráte tohto hlavného mesta. Sála bola obrovská a nádherná. Ako vždy, meškala som :) Ale keďže moje priezvisko začína "S"-kom, mala som ešte chvíľku času. Potom ako som dostala diplom a vypočula si príjemné gratulácie, vybrali sme sa s rodinou do reštaurácie Hajnovka trochu to osláviť. Veľmi odporúčam túto reštauráciu. Jedlá boli chutné a dokonca ponúkajú aj domácu zmrzlinu!!! Mňam :) Na druhý deň sme si užili krásny slnečný deň v Prahe (o tom v nasledujúcom poste). Som veľmi vďačná za podporu rodiny i priateľov a musím povedať, že som na seba hrdá! Študujete alebo už máte promócie za sebou? Aké to bolo pre vás?

On the way...Na ceste...

Big day / Veľký deň

The greetings from my mum / Blahoželania od mamky

All together in Hajnovka restaurant / Všetci spolu v reštaurácii Hajnovka

9. 10. 2013

Canvas / Kanvas

My apartment is looking more as an apartment after I bought sofa, kitchen table and the chairs. Im really happy of it. But there are still few things I miss. I was wondering that Ill hang some nice canvas on my walls. I already have 2 of Marilyn Monroe canvas. One is painted in colors in living room and one is black and white in small size in my room. As my sofa is kind of retro as well as the chairs in there I was thinking about another retro canvas. Some good blues or jazz players, landscape or something interesting of vintage. What do you think? What do you have on your walls? Im adding 3 kinds of canvas that I really like.

Môj prenajatý byt sa konečne podobá na byt, potom ako som si kúpila sedačku, kuchynský stôl a stoličky. Veľmi sa z toho teším. Ale vždy tam chýba pár detailov. Premýšľala som nad nejakými peknými obrazmi. Už vlastním 2, na ktorých je Marilyn Monroe. Jeden je farebný a visí v obývačke a ten druhý je v čierno bielom prevedení a v menšej veľkosti v spálni. Keďže je moja sedačka ako aj stoličky dosť retro, myslela som, žeby bolo fajn zaobstarať si aj retro obraz. Nejakých dobrých bluesových či jazzových muzikantov, krajinku alebo niečo vintage. Čo si o tom myslíte? Čo visí na vašich stenách? Pripájam 3 obrazy, ktoré ma zaujali.

1. I really like picture of Prague from "vyvarose": more on / Veľmi sa mi páči obraz Prahy od "vyvarose": viac na

2. Actor Steve McQueen and Wife Taking Sulfur Bath at Home:

3.Model in John Cavanagh's Strapless Evening Gown, Spring 1957:

4. 10. 2013

Stockholm / Štokholm

Water, the ships, cold weather, the bikes, ,, old school", nice people and clean streets....I could describe my first feelings of Stockholm like that. It is unbelievable how that city caught my eye. It is probably because of fresh air and city's beauty. Swedish people like everything in order I guess. We could also talk about their cultural monuments. Some of them are even on UNESCO list. You can see very different cultural monuments. On one part of isle you feel like in Peking but on the other side you will get into the park full of fantasy that is part of Museum of Modern Art. In the centre you can visit ice pub where they offer you many kind of vodka Absolut and they will wear you in warm coveralls with fur hood just to make sure you are not freezing down there as there is -5 degrees. They mix your drinks directly into the glasses made ​​of ice. Me and my friends, we really admired it.

 Voda, lode, chladné počasie, bicykle, ,,oldschoolovosť", milí a ústretoví ľudia a čistota....takými slovami by som charakterizovala svoje prvé pocity v hlavnom meste jednej z troch škandinávskych krajín- v Štokholme. Je až neuveriteľné ako ma toto mesto uchvátilo. Možno práve z dôvodu, že keď som sa nadýchla, cítila som čistotu a krásu mesta. Švédi si teda na poriadok naozaj potrpia. O kultúre nehovoriac. Nielenže je niekoľko z nich zapísaných na listine UNESCO, ale pamätihodnosti sú tak rôznorodé...Na jednej strane ostrovčeka sa cítite ako v Pekingu, a na jeho druhej strane sa ocitnete v parku plnom fantázie, čo spôsobuje múzeum moderného umenia. V centre mesta môžete navštíviť bar, v ktorom vám ponúknu niekoľko druhov vodky Absolut a pritom vás navlečú do overalov s kožušinovou kapucňou, aby ste náhodou v teplote -5 nepomrzli. Drink vám namiešajú priamo do pohárov vyrobených z ľadu. So svojimi priateľmi sme sa ozaj kochali.

29. 9. 2013

Memories of Venice Carneval / Spomienky na benátsky karneval

It was on my birthday. Me and my friend from high school decided that we wanna see another nice place in Europe. The globe showed Italy. Coincidentally there was a famous Carneval of Venice. So we knew where we go. We traveled by bus long hours but the result was worth it. It was very a massive crowd there. If you wanted to see some cultural monuments or visit the museums you really had to wait long hours! We went up to the tower to see beautiful view and then simply enjoyed crowds of people in masks. Some of masks even made poses for us.  Later in the evening we joined one little Cafe where we got proper Italian cappuccino. My birthday present was a mask (lets surprise). I really recommend Venice during the Carneval if you dont mind crowds of course!

Bolo to na moje narodeniny. S kamarátkou zo strednej sme sa rozhodli navštíviť ďalšie pekné miesto v Európe. Glóbus ukázal na Taliansko. Zhodou okolností tam prebiehal Benátsky karneval. Takže sme vedeli kam ideme. Cestovali sme niekoľko hodín ale výsledok stál zato. Boli tam masy ľudí. Ak ste chceli vidieť nejaké kultúrne pamiatky alebo navštíviť múzeá museli ste čakať hodiny! My sme išli hore na vežu odkiaľ je krásny výhľad a potom sme si jednoducho užívali davy ľudí v maskách. Niektoré masky nám dokonca zapózovali. Neskôr večer sme zavítali do kaviarne, kde sme si dali pravé talianské kapučíno. Mojim narodeninovým darčekom bola samozrejme maska (nechajte sa prekvapiť). Veľmi odporúčam Benátky počas karnevalu, ak vám teda nevadia davy ľudí!

23. 9. 2013

Why are the giveaways great? / Prečo sú "giveaways" skvelé?

You never know when you can be lucky and win something that you really like. Its my case this time. I won this wonderful Gorgeous Breeze earrings of Pi-Ret collection on Style without limits giveaway. They have specially polished stones, glow elegantly and attach bright color. They came from Estonia in cute little white box with a bow. Very nice present, I really like it! The earrings change the color, normally its more turquoise but when it meets the light its more blue. They are very feminine and really pretty.  Thats why you should join giveaways if you like the product! How often do you join them?

Nikdy neviete, kedy sa šťastie usmeje práve na vás a vy vyhráte niečo, čo sa vám naozaj páči. Ja som vyhrala tieto nádherné ,,Gorgeous Breeze" náušnice z kolekcie Pi-Ret prostredníctvom giveaway tohto blogu: Style without limits. Majú špeciálne leštené kamene, elegantne žiaria a okúzľujú jasnou farbou. Prišli z Estónska, zabalené v chutnej bielej krabičke a previazané mašľou. Veľmi milý darček, potešil ma! Náušnice menia farbu, sú viac tyrkysové, ale keď ich dáte do svetla menia sa na jasnú modrú. Naozaj sú veľmi ženské a krásne. Takže aj to je jeden z dôvodov, prečo sa zúčastňovať "giveaways" v prípade, že sa vám daný produkt páči. Ako často sa ich zúčastňujete vy?

22. 9. 2013

Hand made by Ell-international giveaway!

Hand made by Ell is a FB page of very talented person called Ell. She creates jewelery and accessories since January 2013. The reason was actually her friend who always gave here handmade present on her birthday. Ell really liked that idea to make something special for concrete person. And that was the beginning! All the accessories are made of wires, metal components, mostly with no nickel included, also lots of different kinds of glass and wax beads. She takes and inspiration in her mind or sometimes in magazines and Internet but she never makes copy of somebody's else product. She also started with decoupage, but as she said, she is just a beginner now. Its very simple, when she sees something what she could actually make by her hands, she tries. Even her 6 years old daughter made her first pairs of earrings! What I should say more...this is very talented lady, who loves to be creative and makes people smile.

Hand made by Ell je FB stránka, ktorá patrí veľmi talentovanej osobe. Ľudia ju poznajú pod prezývkou Ell. Od januára 2013 vyrába šperky/bižutériu a doplnky. Dôvodom prečo začala, bola jej kamarátka, ktorá ju stále na narodeniny obdarovala nejakým ručne vyrobeným darčekom. Ell to považovala za krásnu myšlienku ako vyrobiť niečo špeciálne pre konkrétnu osobu. A to bol začiatok! Všetky šperky sú vyrábané z drôtikov, kovových komponentov, ktoré väčšinou neobsahujú nikel, taktiež používa mnoho druhov sklenených a voskových korálkov. Jej inšpirácia pramení z jej mysle, ako aj z časopisov a internetu, avšak nikdy nikoho nekopíruje a nevyrába duplikáty. Ell sa taktiež začala venovať technike decoupage, ale ako hovorí, je ešte len začiatočník. Je to veľmi jednoduché, keď vidí niečo, čo je možné vyrobiť ručne, tak neváha. Dokonca už aj jej 6 ročná dcéra má za sebou svoje prvé páry ručne vyrobených náušníc! Čo k tomu dodať to veľmi talentovaná dáma, ktorá miluje byť kreatívna a vyčarovať úsmev na tvárach iných ľudí.

Would you like to own one product (bracelet) of her collection? Simply follow her FB page here: Hand made by Ell and follow my blog via FB here: Fashion squareIn comment bellow, write your FB name, bracelet that you like the most (the color) and email where I can contact you in case you are the lucky person!

Chceli by ste vlastniť jeden produkt (náramok) z jej kolekcie? Je to jednoduché. Dajte páči sa mi na jej FB stránke tu: Hand made by Ell a taktiež na mojej FB stránke tu: Fashion square. Dole do komentára prosím napíšte vaše FB meno, náramok, ktorý sa vám páči najviac (farbu) a email, na ktorom vás môžem kontaktovať v prípade výhry!

1. Red bracelet / červený náramok

2.Pink bracelet / ružový náramok

3.Green bracelet / zelený náramok

4. Blue bracelet / modrý náramok

Giveaway ends on 20.10.2013.
Súťaž končí 20.10.2013.

And the winner is number 2 / A víťazom sa stáva číslo 2
Congratulations!!!! Gratulujem!!!

21. 9. 2013

Lake Tahoe-Nevada

One of my last amazing experience in USA was Lake Tahoe. This name belongs to area on border of California and Nevada but also to a lake that brings there many tourists. I think that I do not have to say a lot how this second deepest lake in USA looks which is btw. deeper than lake Crater in Oregon only by 100 meters, because when you look at it, its famous view. Saint beach, the cruisers, water sports and many straw houses that  offer you cocktails with little umbrella in it will simply take your breath. You should really see beautiful nature around that offers you hiking, cycling or climbing and of course wonderful views on panorama. In winter you can also do skiing or snowboarding here.

Jedným z mojich posledných pompéznych zážitkov bola oblasť nazývaná Lake Tahoe na hranici Kalifornie a Nevady. Tento názov zároveň prislúcha aj jazeru, ktoré tam priťahuje turistov. Myslím, že netreba veľa písať o famóznom pohľade na toto druhé najhlbšie jazero v USA, ktoré o necelých sto metrov predbehlo jazero Crater v Oregone. Piesočnatá pláž, výletné lode, vodné športy a kopec slamených domčekov ponúkajúcich rôzne kokteily s dáždnikom dookola neulahodí málokomu. Dookola krásna príroda s možnosťou turistiky, cyklistiky alebo lezenia a následné výhľady na panorámu tejto oblasti si jednoducho nenechajte újsť. Samozrejme aj v zime si tu prídu na svoje najmä lyžiari a boardisti, ktorým sa z okolitých kopcov poskytne prenádherný výhľad na tento skvost.

20. 9. 2013

Where are your pics? / Kde máte svoje fotky vy?

I moved to new flat and so I started to buy the furniture and other things. I also wanted to design my apartment a bit. As I love pics I was thinking where and how to put them inside in creative way. I discovered so many ideas by my research. Especially have a look here. Its a website where you can find many other ideas how to make your home nicer. I love internet haha! You can see a lots of kinds of frames, their position and other ideas bellow. Lets get an inspiration!

Presťahovala som sa do nového bytu a preto som začala s kúpou nábytku a iných vecí. Chcela som ho trošku upraviť. A keďže miluje fotky ako také, premýšľala som kde a ako ich umiestniť aby to bolo trošku kreatívnejšie. Objavila som veľmi veľa nápadov! Špeciálne na tejto stránke. Nájdete tam skvelé nápady ako okrášliť váš príbytok.Práve preto milujem internet haha! Nižšie máte možnosť vidieť množstvo  druhov rámov, ich umiestnenia a iné nápady. Nechajte sa inšpirovať!

More on: here

16. 9. 2013

A bit of American nature/ Trošku z prírody v USA

Another wonderful pick that stayed in my mind was Monte Diablo mountain, there is one fantastic view, especially when sun is going down. It is on south of Clayton town and on north of Danville town. The highest peak is 1,178 m high. There is also a chance to go up to the gazebo where you can see  by telescope fabulous nature around. But I have to tell you that it is not so easy to get there. If you go by car you should get ready your stomach because it was one of the most zig-zag drive that I tried. But if you are sporty you can use bike, Im sure its worth it.

Huge experience was a visit of National park Yosemite. Beautiful waterfalls, wonderful overgrow and amazing views around evocated euphory. Very high trees with jumping squirrels, colorful masterpieces of nature or crystal clear creeks made me feel happy and enthusiastic of that beauty. During a bit abrupt hike that brought us to the second highest waterfall in this park I thought about our beautiful High Tatras mountains.

Ďalšou vychytávkou, ktorá mi utkvela v pamäti je hora Monte Diablo, z ktorej je úžasný výhľad a to najmä pri západe slnka. Nachádza sa južne od mesta Clayton a severne od mesta Danville. Najvyšší vrchol meria 1,178 metrov. Je možnosť výjsť na vyhliadkovú vežu a s využitím ďalekohľadu sa kochať okolitou prírodou. Poviem vám však, že cesta tam nie je prechádzka ružovou záhradou. Ak cestujete autom pripravte si žalúdky, pretože je to jedna z najkľukatejších ciest aké som kedy skúsila. Keď ste zdatný športovec nebojte sa vziať bicykel, určite tá skúsenosť stojí zato.

Obrovským zážitkom bola pre mňa návšteva národného parku Yosemite. Úžasné vodopády padajúce nadol z nesmiernej výšky, nádherné a bohaté porasty a okúzľujúce výhľady z každej strany vo mne vyvolávali akúsi eufóriu. Vysokánske stromy s poskakujúcimi veveričkami, pestrofarebné,, kúsky“ prírody či kryštálovo čisté potôčiky vo mne spôsobovali pocity akými sú radosť a nadšenie z toľkej krásy. Počas mierne strmej túry k ďalšiemu a zároveň druhému najvyššiemu vodopádu v tomto parku som si spomenula na naše tak krásne Vysoké Tatry. 

15. 9. 2013

USA part II / USA časť druhá

In this second part of my trip in USA I show you 2 awesome places. The first one is Napa Valley where we went to taste the wines. Its a castle that was made of European material so thats why you can think you are actually in Italy or France. We had a tour guide to whole castle, inside and outside. We could taste few kinds of different wines. White or red or rose. It was really great experience, I recommend it! The second place was more about fun than knowledge. We visited Six flags, its a place where you can try many kinds of carousels. I tried one and I had to say I was afraid! :D Or you could see swimming shows with whales or dolphins. You could also try how strong you are. Well enough of words, lets see some pics!

V tejto druhej časti môjho výletu v USA vám ukážem 2 skvelé miesta. Prvým sú vinohrady Napa Valley kde sme išli testovať vínka. Je to zámok, ktorý bol vyrobený pomocou materiálu dovezeného z Eorópy, preto môžete mať pocit, že ste v Taliansku alebo vo Francúzsku. Mali sme tam prehliadku celého zámku, vovnútri, ale aj vonku. Ochutnali sme niekoľko druhov vína. Červené, biele, ale i ružové. Bol to skvelý zážitok. Vrelo odporúčam! Druhé miesto bolo viac o zábave ako o získavaní nových informácií. Navštívili sme Six flags, miesto, kde môžete vyskúšať veľmi veľa druhov kolotočov či húsenkových dráh. Ja osobne som vyskúšala jednu a musím sa priznať, že som sa bála!:D Alebo máte možnosť vidieť rôzne šou s delfínmi či veľrybami. Taktiež si môžete vyskúšať vašu silu. Ale dosť bolo slov, pozrite si fotky!

14. 9. 2013

USA part I / USA časť prvá

So many people asked me why I dont blog about my traveling experience as I have some. After a while I decided that I should. I didnt see whole world but there were some beautiful places that I would like to share with you. I will start with USA where I spent 3 months. I stayed in California but also had a chance to see a bit of Nevada. In this first part Ill show you some nice pics of San Francisco. You can see Exploratorium, Pier 39, Lombard street, Golden gate and another shots.

Už viacero ľudí mi kládlo otázku, prečo neblogujem o mojich cestách a výletoch. Po čase som sa rozhodla, že by som mala. Nevidela som celý svet, ale s niekoľkými nádhernými miestami by bola škoda nepodeliť sa. Začnem s USA kde som strávila 3 mesiace. Bolo to v Kalifornii, ale zároveň som mala možnosť vidieť kúsok Nevady. V tejto prvej časti vám ukážem niekoľko pekných obrázkov zo San Francisca. Budete mať možnosť vidieť Exploratorium, Pier 39, najkľukatejšiu ulicu Lombard street, Golden gate a iné postrehy.


11. 9. 2013

Handmade international giveaway!

Milí moji čitatelia, teším sa vašej priazni a preto som sa rozhodla usporiadať pre vás v poradí druhú a veľmi zaujímavú "giveaway". Tentokrát ide o kávové/čajové lyžičky v netradičnom a veľmi osobitom štýle. Sú vyrábané mojou kamarátkou, ktorá sa týmto tvorivým kreáciám venuje. Nižšie uvidíte niekoľko príkladov z jej tvorby. Veľa farieb, kreácií, ba dokonca aj fosfor. Víťaz získa sadu 4 lyžičiek podľa vlastného výberu. 
Vašou úlohou je sledovať tento blog cez GFC a
FB stránku
Happy fimo by Apa-handmade jewelry tejto kreatívnej tvorkyne. A samozrejme nechajte mi komentár, ktorá sada z jej tvorby sa vám najviac páči a kontaktný email, FB meno a meno pod akým to sledujete cez GFC.


My lovely readers, Im really happy that you like and comment my blog and thats why I decided to do the second and very interesting giveaway. It will be about coffee/tea spoons in unusual and very unique style. They are made by my friend who is really into this creative work. Bellow you can see some examples of her creations. A lots of colors, creations and also phosphorus. The winner of giveaway will get set of 4 spoons by your choice. 
What you have to do is: follow my blog via GFC and also
like Happy fimo by Apa-handmade jewelry of my creative friend. And of course leave me the comment which sets of her creation you like the most and your email and FB name and the name you follow it under via GFC.


The end is on 12.10.2013
Winner will be chosen by random generator.

A víťazom sa stáva Janka Urbanová.
And the winner is Janka Urbanová.


Goodbye summer!!!

Last weekend was beautiful. No clouds on sky. Simply wonderful warm weather and probably the last one. But I have to say Im looking forward to the Autumn. Its my favorite time of year. I love the colors of Autumn, I love the leaves falling down and I love layers on my outfits. Jeans, leather and plaid, that is what I really love to wear. So Summer goodbye and Autumn welcome!!!

So that weekend I used for wearing my pastel pink pencil skirt from Asos, heels and short sleeve top with statement necklace and very eye catching colorful clutch from H&M that I bought in sales!

Posledný víkend bol krásny. Na oblohe ani mráčika, jednoducho nádherné teplé počasie a pravdepodobne už posledné. Ale musím priznať, že sa na jeseň teším. Je to moje obľúbené ročné obdobie. Miluje farby jesene, milujem padajúce lístie a milujem outfity, ktoré sú vrstvované. Džínsovina, koža a káro, to je to čo rada nosím. Takže zbohom leto a vitaj jeseň!!!

Preto som ten víkend využila na letný outfit, ktorý pozostával zo sukňe v pastelovej ružovej z Asosu, čiernych lodičiek s otvorenou pätou, trička s výrazným doplnkom okolo krku a výraznej farebnej kabelky z H&M.

Skirt-Asos,Top-Tally weil,Clutch-H&M,